Our Dad

Created by Angela 6 months ago
Geoff was born in Burslem, Staffordshire but his parents later moved back to Woolston, then to Hamble. Geoff attended school in Hamble and when he was about 14 years old, he worked for the local grocer’s shop in Hamble village, delivering groceries on his bike. His family moved to Swindon for a while where Geoff took his apprenticeship.

The family later moved back to the Southampton area to Hamble, where Geoff started working for Follands (later to become British Aerospace) . When the second World War started, Geoff was in a Reserved trade, (making parts for aeroplanes) so he joined the Coldstream Guards quite late and was stationed in Plön, near Eutin, Germany. Whilst he was there, he used to go poaching to catch rabbits. He gave these rabbits to the grateful locals who didn’t have much to eat.

He was at a dance where he met Traute who liked the look of him and she got his attention by flicking sweet wrappers at Geoff. It worked, and when it was time for Geoff to return to England, he immediately sorted out an affidavit and papers to allow Traute to join him. She stayed at his parents house until they got married in Hamble church. Traute couldn’t have any of her own family at the wedding and so was given away by Geoff’s uncle Norman. They lived with his parents in Sydney Avenue for a while before getting their own house further down the road in Sydney Crescent.

Several years later, Geoff and Traute moved back into 15 Sydney Avenue when his parents moved out to the next road in Verdon Avenue.

Their son Richard was born on 8th August 1948 but after catching measles then broncho pneumonia, unfortunately died 16th March 1951 aged just two and a half. He is buried in Hamble churchyard. When Traute died in 2000, she was cremated and her ashes buried in their son’s grave.

Geoff remained in Sydney Avenue until he had to go into Abbey House nursing home in December 2020. On his 100th birthday, which happened to be the same day as the King’s coronation, the staff dressed him up and made him “King for the Day”. The family and residents attended the celebrations and made the day special for him.

Geoff now can join his wife and their son at last. Rest in peace. With love.